Kathy Kennedy

Countdown to Gil’s Hootenanny 2023

The 14th annual Gil’s Hootenanny is today! Canadian singer-songwriter Coco Love Alcorn headlines the 14th annual Gil’s Hootenanny on Monday, May 1, starting at 7:00 pm at the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, 30 Cleary Avenue. The Hootenanny will also present a tribute to folk singing legend...

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Gil’s ‘Grassroots’ Song Circle

Led by Christine Graves
Saturday, April 22 at 2:00 pm

​Bring your voice and, if you like, your favourite musical instrument to St. Andrew’s Hall (basement) in St. Andrew’s Church, 82 Kent Street at 2 pm on Saturday, April 22 for the Gil’s ‘Grassroots’ Song Circle. There is no cost to attend this musical event, which is part of the program for the Ottawa Grassroots Festival…

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