
Posts from past years that need to be removed from the home page but still available in the archives.

Building Community Through Song

A beloved element of Gil’s Hootenanny is the opening procession, when the performers promenade into the hall singing, playing, and encouraging the audience to join in the music. The beginning of this year’s hootenanny will feature three musicians who are community builders, are...

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Countdown to Gil’s Hootenanny 2023

The 14th annual Gil’s Hootenanny is today! Canadian singer-songwriter Coco Love Alcorn headlines the 14th annual Gil’s Hootenanny on Monday, May 1, starting at 7:00 pm at the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, 30 Cleary Avenue. The Hootenanny will also present a tribute to folk singing legend...

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Gil’s ‘Grassroots’ Song Circle

Led by Christine Graves
Saturday, April 22 at 2:00 pm

​Bring your voice and, if you like, your favourite musical instrument to St. Andrew’s Hall (basement) in St. Andrew’s Church, 82 Kent Street at 2 pm on Saturday, April 22 for the Gil’s ‘Grassroots’ Song Circle. There is no cost to attend this musical event, which is part of the program for the Ottawa Grassroots Festival…

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