A 13th Anniversary Sing ’n Jam
at the Ottawa Grassroots Festival
Saturday, April 23 at 3:00 pm
Bring your voice and, if you like, your favourite musical instrument to St. Andrew’s Hall (basement) of St. Andrew’s Church, 82 Kent Street at 3pm on Saturday, April 23rd for Gil’s ‘Grassroots’ Hootenanny so you can sing and jam along to songs of hope and protest led by the Gil’s Hootenanny Band.
Hosted by Tamara Levine and Arthur McGregor, Gil’s ‘Grassroots’ Hootenanny brings together musical friends for a rousing celebration of familiar and new songs of hope and protest that showcase the stories, struggles and victories of working people.
Gil’s Hootenanny is honoured to once again be hosting this Ottawa Grassroots Festival workshop, which provides a tantalizing taste of Gil’s Hootenanny 2022 to take place on May 1st at the RA Centre.
Masking is encouraged at Gil’s ‘Grassroots’ Hootenanny.
And, as folk music legend Pete Seeger said, “A good song reminds us what we’re fighting for”.