Calling all Songwriters

Gil’s Hootenanny Sponsoring Free Workshops
Collaborative Sing-Along Songwriting

Gil’s Hootenanny will be offering a set of free songwriting workshops in April 2018 for songwriters who are interested in a collaborative approach to writing sing-along songs of hope and protest.

The registration form is here…

Building on the long tradition of working together in the creation of melodies and lyrics for protest songs, Gil’s Hootenanny will be sponsoring two consecutive workshops designed to guide songwriters of all ages and all levels, through the process of writing songs that share and celebrate the stories, struggles and victories of working people.

Ottawa-based singer-songwriter-teacher Jamie Anderson will lead this innovative, two-step, collaborative, songwriting process. During the first workshop, to be held on April 8, 2018, Anderson will guide groups of songwriters as they generate musical and lyrical ideas for songs. At the second workshop, scheduled for April 22, 2018, the music and lyrics generated at the first workshop will be finessed and finalized.

Anderson noted that the keys to successful collaboration include not only a willingness to contribute with a musical phrase or lyric, but also a commitment to listen and leave room for the contribution of others.  She continued: “Collaborative song writing can accommodate different approaches: some songwriters mull over an idea, while others offer ideas as they think of them.  The advantage of this year’s workshops is that they support both approaches to songwriting.”

The free workshops, which will be capped at 25 participants, will be held from 2:00-4:00 pm on April 8th & 22nd, 2018 at the Black Irish Pub, located in the shopping centre at the south east corner of Montreal and North River Roads in Vanier. As there are two workshops, participants must be available to attend both sessions.

The registration form is here…

Songs created at the workshop will be performed at the Ottawa Grassroots Festival on April 28, 2018 at 4:00 pm.

For information about Jamie Anderson, visit:

For additional information, contact Kathy Kennedy or 613-729-7252.